What to develop

The classic “No silver bullet” paper states that the essence of software development is the decision what to develop (&…

Useful stuff

My recommendations for highly useful stuff on (& for) the Web: Google Talk translation bots are excellent for quick translations…

Interesting photographers

Just found out today Kaako, who shoots mainly video games: Akira Seymour shoots beautiful second life photos: Also check-out Kean…

On-demand music

While demand is low, & legal issues seem clear, hop on to this nice on-demand music service: Deezer You can…

Art-Sense Engineering

Every other day I come up with a new combination of words, which I think is introducing some new concept…

I’m a Django addict!

For the past couple of monthes I’ve developed 2 large Web applications, using the amazing Django web framework, & recently…

emergence & ccd

as much as emergence is powerful – social mechanisms yielding successful colonies, they can be amazingly self-destructive. Colony Collapse Disorder…